How a woman can give up drinking alcohol herself

In this article, we will look at the question of how a woman can stop drinking on her own. Recently, female alcoholism has become a serious problem in modern society. There is an opinion that it is almost impossible to get rid of women's addiction. It all starts with drinking in small amounts and only during the holidays. Then the woman drinks at the slightest obstacle. Then she starts drinking at any convenient occasion, she comes up with reasons for herself. And then the disease begins to manifest as social maladaptation, loss of interest in life and the people around.


woman drinking as leave

A woman can start drinking from the strong shocks of life, from depression

Among the most common reasons are the following:

  • neurotic condition;
  • advanced depression;
  • a woman begins to drink out of boredom, when she has no goals, hobbies in life;
  • loneliness, in particular divorce or the death of a husband;
  • unjustified sacrifice;
  • belief in their bankruptcy, the thought that no one needs it;
  • lack of moral support from loved ones, lack of attention;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • strong dependence on someone else's opinion;
  • bad environment, life with an alcoholic man;
  • problems at work;
  • trouble with children;
  • disappointment in your life;
  • consequence of hormonal breakdown.

Ways to fight

consuming chocolate when quitting alcohol
  1. At home, you can stop drinking, replacing addiction with something useful. You can relax with crafts or reading books, do fitness at home. Chances are, the main thing is that there is a feminine sense that it is time to say goodbye to alcohol.
  2. An alternative to pleasure. If a woman drinks for the sake of intoxicating feelings, taking a certain euphoria, then you can change the alcohol into a favorite dessert, for example, a chocolate bar, which is an excellent antidepressant. Of course, by changing the alcohol in cakes, you need to be prepared for the fact that the extra pounds will be added. However, this side effect is less dangerous than the effect of ethanol.
  3. Sports activities. This method will help you distract the desire to achieve a new bottle. In addition, this way you can improve your health, get positive emotions. Importers It is important here that physical activity becomes regular. You can start by bike, for example, ride it to work or go to the basketball court to play. Sports discipline, dependent on a specific pace of life. This method is also effective for men who want to stop drinking.
  4. Compared to being active, you can practice meditation. It will allow you to come into harmony with your spirit world. Thoughts, emotions will return to normal, the brain will be cleansed, it will be easier to make plans for the future. The realization will come that there is no place for alcohol in a new life.
  5. Willpower. The woman must realize that the time has come to give up her addiction. Of course, it will be very difficult to break a bad habit at the same time. Therefore, it is important that during this period only close people were near her, and there was no person consuming alcohol.

Traditional methods

barberry berries to avoid alcohol

One way to stop a woman from drinking alcohol is to use traditional medicine prescriptions.

  1. Green tea. During the day, you should drink from three to four glasses, always without sugar. This drink has the properties of reducing cravings for alcohol.
  2. Red pepper (red pepper). It is pressed into a powder state. In half a liter of alcohol or vodka, add st. a spoonful of chopped pepper. Let it inject for two weeks. This tool will need to be added to alcoholic beverages literally at some point. This will significantly reduce the need for alcohol.
  3. Barberry berries. You can use it both fresh and drink drinks from these berries. If you consume barberry every day, you will have an aversion to any alcoholic beverage. It will also cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and breakdown products of alcohol.
  4. The mushroom is a dung beetle. It is fried or boiled and then eaten. It is believed that alcohol consumed after this will provoke poisoning and cause a persistent aversion to alcohol.
  5. Clefthoof root. Take st. a spoonful of chopped root per liter of water and cook for ten minutes. The finished broth is poured into vodka by calculating one part broth to ten parts alcohol. Then they drank alcohol. There is a strong feeling of nausea, vomiting is possible, which leads to an unwillingness to touch the glass.
  6. If you are interested in the question of how to stop drinking beer every day (for a woman), then you should try to replace it with green tea or herbal decoction. Particular attention is paid to a decoction of lovage, centaury, fireweed and hawthorn (take an equal amount of ingredients and create it like regular tea). In addition to helping to create aversion to beer, this drink also has a calming effect.


female alcoholism how to stop drinking
  1. Alcohol does not help to improve life, it will calm down, it only darkens the mind, makes you forget about problems for a while. But, in fact, nothing changes in life.
  2. For the rejection process to be effective, it is important for the woman to have a strong motivation and a strong desire to overcome this addiction.
  3. Importers It is important to determine what triggers the desire to drink alcohol, to start fighting the primary factor. If you can not independently understand the reasons that cause this desire, you should seek help from a specialist.
  4. Women should be aware that alcohol can ruin their lives. She may lose a loved one, family, children, all prospects will pass.
  5. During the period of rejection by alcohol, the support and care of loved ones is important.

As you can see, it is very likely that a woman will stop drinking alcohol herself. However, in all these cases, it is necessary to have a strong desire of the person who abuses alcohol, to say goodbye to this addiction. The road is long and difficult, but you have to understand that it is time to get out of this deep hole, the road to normal life is ahead.