What is alcohol and how does it lead to alcoholism? The six stages of alcoholism. How alcohol affects the body: symptoms and side effects. Treatment of alcoholism.
9 December 2023
What does Allen Carr say in his famous book "The Easy Way to Quit Drinking"? Tips from the writer, interesting points, comments from doctors and people who quit drinking.
1 November 2023
How a Woman Can Get Rid of Alcohol Addiction and Stop Drinking Alcohol at Home: Effective Tools and Methods
22 October 2021
How much alcohol can you drink without harming your health? Read the answer to the question in our article.
5 September 2020
Does the body need alcohol: the opinion of scientists, what is a small and permissible dose, the benefits of small doses. Seed makes alcohol harmful, the reasons for the desire to drink, what the body lacks and what to do in case of irresistible cravings. Drinking culture as well as the dangers of drinking.
21 August 2020